Un Pan de Jour

    -inachis io-




    An old woman by the side of a non tragic death is narrating the story of her life:

    a human life.

    Her childhood,

    The death of her childhood,

    Her love for a tree,

    And that joy... that untamable desire to live, even in the midst of a desert.

    And what a mischievious goblin thinks of this...



    Three characters:

    -a woman, escorted through childhood by her wooden horse...

    then inhaled by time

    -a phantasmagorical creature, eternal dweller of the place, who has an influence on the woman (mask)

    -a death, quiet, with a bark face, partaking to the infinite dance of life,

    only for a short while (tall puppet)




    « Un Pan de Jour » means « A Day Tail » but the pronunciation is the same that a butterfly named « Un Paon de Jour » (Day Peacock). « Inachis io » is the scientific name of this butterfly.






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    The music is both the illustration and the roots of the show, it binds together the movement and the expression. This is an original creation for a string quartet.

    The actor gets a script with gesturing vocabulary, that is an infinite of movements, of stillness, of tensions and of variations. The dance gives more the intuitive, instinctive, oversensitive sides of characters. But there's no frontier so cut, both combine themselves and so form the feeling of the drama. At last, under there fragile and extravagant appearances, circus skills offer to interpret another dimension.


    A climbing rope, a tight-rope, and the ground, cause divers rhythms. So the actor plays with this rhythms on these spaces to tell.

    Sometimes concrete, sometimes abstract, or surrealistic.


    To bare the scene give a work without artifice.

    Besides, the ABSENCE OF WORDS reinforce this crude state.

    But this kind of temperance doesn't prevent the aesthetic work. Here this one draw the climate, in this case bucolic but not sugary.





    Deliberately optimist, this humble tale mirrors back some fragments of our world.


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